1. Explore the Lab Environment

Before diving into Software Defined Networking (SDN) and its components, take some time to explore the classroom environment. Understanding how things are currently configured will help you in your learning process as you move forward in the class.

In this lab, we will explore the currently configured environment to help with the execution of future labs.

Chapter Details
Chapter Goal Explore and familiarize yourself with the lab environment
Chapter Sections

1.1. Organizational Notes

Each student will be provided a cloud provisioned environment with the following basic configuration:

  • 4GB RAM
  • 20GB Storage
  • 2 vCPU
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Ports 22, 80, 8181 open for inbound connection

1.2. Working with Remote Environment

This lab contains exercises to be done on Linux command line and web browser.

For steps using the command line, you need an SSH client:

  • For Linux and OS X you should already have it installed on your machine
  • For Windows, you can download the PuTTY SSH client

For working with files from a command line, you can use any editors or file readers that you are familiar with and are available in default installation. Here are examples:

  • Edit - vi, vim, or nano
  • View - less, cat, or tail

Refer to the man page of specific command for details on options and usage.

For steps using the dashboard (user interface), the recommended web browser to use is Google Chrome.


If your lab is provisioned on the cloud, you will receive a public IP address. Write down this IP address for use with instructions marked with <slab IP>

1.3. Users and Passwords

In the various sections of this guide you will need to specify the user name and the password to log in. Where applicable, this guide will remind you of which credentials to use. Below is the summary reference table:

User Name Password Description
sdn rocks Credentials for SSH into lab environment
onos rocks Credentials for ONOS dashboard